Day 10 of the 21 Days: God Gifts You with Talents
Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. ~Philippians 2:3 The purpose of this 21 Day consecration is to focus on becoming more like Christ. The purpose of this blog is to share my journey as I try to do that and live the way he would have me to. I also hope that the readers join in by either leaving comments and/or sending in submissions of their own. With that said, I have already shared that although it is my hearts desire to be more like Christ, it is just easier said then done. Philippians 2:3 is a perfect example why. “Selfish Ambition” has been what my life has been all about. Although I have attempted to disguise it as passionate for success, I can no longer hide from the fact that I desire more than I should of this world. However, beyond the selfish ambition is dealing with the “lowliness of mind” and “esteem others better than” myself parts that are difficult for me. As a young African Ameri...