Day 8 of the 21 Days: We Are the Ones to Change

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve of what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. ~Romans 12:2

If we allow God, he can come into our lives and do amazing things. If we acknowledge and believe in Him completely. When we accept Him into our lives, we should be different. We should want to walk as Jesus walked. Yes, there are things, worldly things, that we have to leave behind. There is no great mystery about this because God first tells us all that we need to do in the Bible, but I also believe that if we listen to Him and pay attention in prayer and meditation that he will reveal to us directly what He wants from us and what direction He would like our life to head in. From personal experience, I know that when I am caught up in worldly things, I do not have time to listen to God. I do not make Him a priority; therefore, I am not reading His word, praying, or paying attention to Him. I can get so caught up in just living that I ignore God at times. Know this, that everything is a choice, a daily and constant choice. We have to choose to remember God even in the craziest times. We have to choose change and choose to follow Him.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for letting me know that in order for me to become your child I must humble myself and allow you to transform my attitude and way of thinking. I ask that you cast out any pride, arrogance, or anything in me that is not like you, and allow me to always , always, always, submit to your way and to your will…In Jesus Name, Amen
Prayer is from Brother Ron Jones at NEW AND LIVING WAY OUTREACH MINISTRIES.


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