Unlock your Dreams

Unlock your dreams Live free live in the place where your dreams manifest set free by the power of your actions Live free. I'm talking about breakimg free from the hamster wheel, from the feeling of getting up and dreading going to work in the morning. I am talking about a personal sense of freedom with the life sustaining activities that we must engage in. People who are doing what they love or what they feel they were purposed to do all have at least one thing in common; they get lost in it. I know I do, especially when I write. It is my thing. Admittedly, I am okay at it. Am I great? Not yet. I can be better and with practice and effort and time devoted to my craft, I will be. With that being said, I can easily get lost in words. I get lost in writing them, reading them, seeing them manifested on screen, listening to them in music and anything else in which they are creatively put together to result in something awesome. What seperates me from the people who make...