Five Life Hacks from Shonda Rhimes Year of Yes

I finally read- no, I finally listened to Shonda Rhimes book Year of Yes. I am aware that I am three years late but I have a life that I am trying to keep from falling apart and apparently so did she. As a writer, I look at Shonda with doe-eyes, drooling at her greatness and how perfect her life must be. Why wouldn’t I? She is everything. Her shows are everything. I have not missed one season of Grey’s Anatomy and I watched all of Scandal, and I happen to know How to Get Away with Murder is still keeping people talking. Oh and Private Practice was my show for a while. She is living a writers dream and I was drooling. You can never be sure what you are looking at when you are peering at someone’s life from the outside. You see what they want you to see. Shonda’s book epitomizes that. I am sure I was not the only one that thought she was on top of the world. In reality, she was holding life together with food and work and distractions like the rest of us. She is warm and invitin...