
Showing posts from February, 2016

Flint Michigan Water

  Flint Michigan Water? Life's blood  flows throughout my  body tainted like the  laced words from those empowered  with trust By, WMT Is there anything more that needs to be said? Now, what's going to be done about it? Flint, Michigan's unsafe water cost the most in U.S.  

Ride Along 2

Ride Along 2 Kevin Hart and Ice Cube are together again in funny sequel, Ride Along 2. I love that we get to see a film with two Black male leads who are not built up as menace to society but are instead average, loving and decent human beings. I enjoyed the movie. The pacing was done well. At no point in time did I feel that they could have left a part out or it needed to speed up.  Benjamin Bratt was a nice surprise as the villian. I liked him. He was a touch on the hokey side but that actually worked. The addition of Ken Jeong was brilliant. He fit right in without being over the top and ridiculous.   Overall, for a good laugh Ride Along 2 is worth the time. Kevin Hart and his antics do not dissapoint.

Let Your Smile Shine

Let Your Smile changes the world Too often, we let the world affect who we are. We let circumstances dictate not only our behavior but our character. Our mood is easily swayed by the negative things that may happen to us. Initial reaction is natural. It cannot be helped. However, what we decide to continue to engage in is a conscious choice. We have to make an effort to move away from negative thinking and reactions to put a positive spin on it.  Decide to alter our negative thought process. Decide to do what it takes to make things better. Smile and push through and do not let circumstances dampen your joy because joy lies within us even through the bad times. Joy is not dead, we have to remember to keep it vibrant.

You Don't Know Tank

Apparently, I have been sleeping on Tank. Let me be honest, back in the 90s R&B was life. However, I have felt that it has fallen off. Either that or I have moved away from it. I think I need to pay more attention to these crooners out here that are banging out beautiful R&B music. I have not given Tank much attention but this latest album is all kinds of nice. Maybe I don't know, Tank ... but why they gotta be bitches though, side eye. Get it ... Tank's Sex Love and Pain II And since we are on the topic, men. Honest communication is a good way to keep us informed instead of faking the funk or acting like there is something to prove. Better yet, treat the woman you love like you love her, like she is the only one. Not sure why "bitches" are even part of the equation. I do not know about any other females (I will admit there might be some unstable ones out there lol) but things are always better when we talk and communicate and I know you are

Trailer Talk: Deadpool

Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds released this weekend with a box office gross of 163 million in the US, 300 million worldwide. As much as I would like to see it and Thing 1 and Thing 2 keep begging for me to take them, we won't be able to because it is R rated. This and other available trailers are the only funny goodness that I will get unless I sneak to watch it on my own, and who has time for that? I have to make the most of my movie watching time which usually included the babies.   Congratulations to Ryan Reynolds though. Seems like a nice hard working guy who deserves the success.

Parents, do not forget you!

The babies, the boy and girl, are not really babies anymore. They are annoying, drive-me-crazy Thing 1 and Thing 2 pre-teens. They drive me to levels of frustration that only a bleeding heart, loving parent can understand. When it gets rough, and sometimes that seems daily, I yell and scream (which I really hate doing) out of frustration because they haven't listened to me the first 200 times I asked or said it in a normal voice. Nowadays, I just jump to screaming and have to catch myself. I'm a work in progress. As a raving lunatic mother, I am consistently filled with self doubt about my parenting skills. I think maybe I expect too much from them, maybe I do not expect enough. I ask myself how the heck do other parents do this and get through it. I often wonder about running away for a while. I am planning a vacation without them and of course I feel a tinge of guilt about it, but I know it is needed. It is needed because I need to get away from feeling like I am not go