Today I feel blah. I know that I need to write something so that I can speak to God, but I don’t know where to begin. In truth, I have not inclination to do so; however, I forced myself. I looked up scripture and did not feel moved or touched by anything until I found 1st Thessalonians, chapter five, starting at verse five. It was with those words that I realized I had to put my apathy to rest. We all have those moments when we go through the motions of life. We go to school, go to work, take care of the family, and live life as if we are on cruise control; we go through the motions of living. There is a level of apathy that is intrinsic in living like that, a detachment that is void of real emotion. In truth, not only can we become apathetic in our daily lives but it can cross over to our spiritual one as well, affecting the word, our goals, dreams, and reason for living. This lack of zest and emotion is from a dark place. This lack of interest, true excitement is not of God. Imagine ...