
Showing posts from June, 2007
Vibes 24 Sexiest Before I can go on with this post, I have to keep it real ... it was about 2:00am when I was recording this show and it is apparent. I had to go back and edit things out and usually, I try to do my shows in one shot because I just don't have the time to go back and edit things. Well, I didn't really have a choice. It was either that or redo the whole show all together. In hindsight, I probably should have done just that. I think I should have left the originally show and give you guys a good laugh, but I couldn't go out like that. Anyway, here is my very superficial take on Vibe's Top 25 Sexiest. Believe me, it is superficial even for Parlez Entertainment. Still, you just might get a kick out of it. Idris Elba, one of the few males, made the list, and he should have been a lot higher in my opinion. I am a little biased because, I am crushing on him but still. Jennifer Hudson is also on the list with a hot mama picture. She looks gorgeous and should have...
Coming Soon ... Parlez Entertainment TV Yup! We are in the process of planning the launch of our own entertainment news show. We are only in the beginning stages but hope to have a great program for our viewers by the end of the year! This is going to be a lot of fun for us and we hope we can bring that across to you. Stay on the look out for Parlez Entertainment Television!
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So You Think You Can Dance Another summer, another season of So You Think You Can Dance, and I am ridiculously excited. Truly, it is sickening. We are down to 9 couples who are all fabulous. It seems that the competion has been stepped up a little bit this year. Tonight the dancers performed and were all on point. The judged did give some unflattering comments but every single person dancing out there put there best foot forward. Usually, I discuss the couple that stood out to me but they were really all very good. I find that I have been enjoying the modern pieces more and more and tonight did not dissapoint. I will say that I am worried for Cedric and Faina. I thought Cedric did a pretty good job but he got killed by the judges. He needs to keep himself out of the bottom three because they can only save him so many times before they send him packing. I think he can do great things but he needs to just relax. Sabra and Dominic's Modern Performance. The competition is definitely fi...
Tyler Perry's House of Payne This is the first season of the show Tyler Perry fans have been hearing him allude to over the past couple of years. Tyler Perry's House of Payne airs on TBS at 9/8 central on Wednesday nights. Critics are killing it with bad reviews and I think I know why. I have watched a couple of the shows and I have to say that they are actually funny but ... now you know there had to be one. As I was watching, I thought the laugh tracks were grossly misplaced to the point where they made the show seem dull. There are some very funny and witty jokes, in my opinion, made on the show; however the laugh track completely ignores them and is instead placed somewhere that doesn't make any sense. The reason this is a problem is because it leaves the viewer wondering what was so funny that they felt the need to place a laugh track. Lets face it, when utilized properly, laugh tracks can be your best friend, but if they are over used or used incorrectly, as it seem...
New Season Four of The 4400 The new season of 4400 started and I can't say that it started off with any kind of bang. It definitely was not a horrible kick off but considering that many people were highly anticipating its return, the new season started off on a low. It could mean that the slow start will grow and there will be great things to come, creating a build up to something phenomenal but for some reason I just doubt that. Honestly, the episode just felt like a middle of the season ordinary thing. Did they answer some of the outstanding questions that were left from last season? Yes they did. I think they could have answered them with a little more fanfare. Isabelle is now in lock up and although she doesn't have any powers, some how she is still connected to those in the future who have taken Alana and apparently stuck her back in the past. Maia, her adoptive mother, Diane, and her mother's boyfriend are all settled in not being settle and have decided to make a per...
A mother in despair. Screen capture taken from General Hospitals Happening2. Great Site for GH Lovers! General Hospital's Missing Baby This week on General Hospital a baby goes missing and it is on. Can you imagine having a little precious baby boy whom you just love to pieces all of a sudden disappearing in what seems to be the blink of your eyes? I can't even begin to imagine what that would feel like. Elizabeth Spencer is having just another regular day at the park with her two children when she put her infant son hin his stroller and paused to tie the laces of her toddler's sneakers. She turned her back away from baby Jake for just one instant and when she turned back to buckle him in, he was gone. Now as much as I dislike what a character is doing like how I am hating Liz still keeping the paternity of Jake a secret, I don’t wish that kind of torment on any mother. One can only imagine all the thoughts that are going through her head. Did someone find out that Jason is...
Poetry Seriously, this is my last post. I have to be up in three hours to go to work. However, expect me to be back with my thoughts on the latest installment of Pirates of the Carib. I finally saw it. Hot Sex I thought … Apparently Not long enough at all At daybreak my panties were still Missing by, your's truely
Why Write? As you all know, I call myself a writer. Yes, I am a starving artist ... well, not technically. I am not really starving. Well, I might be a little hungry right now but that's because I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. I have a pretty good day job that I absolutely love and a hubby who would die before I starve, so I'm good. However, if I were to try to live off of my writing, I would be wasting away in my card board box that I call home, panhandling for my next meal. Yet, I am still a writer and here is why ... It is 2:05 a.m. and instead of sleeping, I crawled out of my bed, turned on my computer and started typing. What is wrong with me? Oh, it gets worse. During the day all I can think about is carving out some time to work on my novel. It is a good thing that people can't peer into my head because they would get really ticked off at me. Everything that happens to me and by extension to the people that are around me is a potential story. It does not matter ...
Good Things. You know there are times when people in your life do great things that deserve a shout out. Well here are mine. My home girl, Nathalie aka Vonnie graduated from University of Florida with a PHD in Pharmacology. She had dropped off the face of the earth for a little while but I understand that it is a hectic process. Congratulations Vonnie ... oops, Dr. Vonnie! I am so proud of her. In other news, one of my good friends got engaged. I hope I am not about to blow up his spot but I have to say congratulations to Claudell and Rolande. Now, be thankful that I'm not putting up pictures. If anyone else has great news to share that's positive and good, please send me an e-mail and pictures if you so choose.
The Picture Files ... Over the years, I have recieved this and still think it's pretty cool. Your eyes will play tricks on you. I'm sure the lines are straight but they sure do look bent, don't they? I haven't seen this in a while, so it took me a while to find the spelled out word. Hint: It starts with an L and tilt your head to the right. This should be in better focus but you might still see the circles moving. Now isn't that crazy? This last one still freaks me out.
The Picture File Here are some more funny/crazy pictures. Remember, I don't know if these are real or doctored, but they are still funny as heck. I would hate to be the guys that messed around with these chicks. Now, that is funny. She put him on blast. Hopefully, it is a high traffic area where everyone who drives by will know exactly which Steven it is. Obviously, she doesn't mind thier business being out there. Now, you know darn well that the chick who did this is going straight to jail. Since the chick is in the pic, she will be paying to get the car repainted, unless homeboy is straight stupid. Oh boy. What a way to put someone out. Hmmm, if this wasn't illegal, the woman who did this could have a lucrative business on her hand. I'm sure women who learned thier husband's or partners or whatever was cheating, imagined doing something like this in their minds.
MTV Movie Awards 2007 The MTV Movie awards aired yesterday, June 3, 2007, and there are no words for how boring it was. Sarah Silverman was a mediocre host and save for the few laughs from a couple of highlights the show was a snoozer. My recap is just touching base on things that I feel are worth mentioning and in no particular order or anything. I barely registered the winners. However if you are looking for a list … well here it is: Best Movie 300 Blades of Glory Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Little Miss Sunshine Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Best Performance Gerard Butler, 300 Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Keira Knightley, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls Beyoncé Knowles, Dreamgirls Will Smith, The Pursuit of Happyness Breakthrough Performance Emily Blunt, The Devil Wears Prada Abigail Breslin, Little Miss Sunshine Lena Headey, 300 Columbus ...
That's my jam ... You Make Me Better by Fabulous featuring Neyo is my jam this week. You can watch and listen below. If the youtube screen doesn't work just click the link. As much as I love the song, I have all kinds of problems with the video. First off, the video didn't make much sense. Did he know the hottie before he got to the club? Is she security? It doesn't make much sense at all that he is rapping about how she holds him up when they just met. Lastly, couldn't a sister make him better. I have nothing at all against Roselyn Sanchez. She is a beautiful female, but Fabulous couldn't find a beautiful, fine African American female to make him better. I can name quite a few. On that note, I had to squint pretty hard to find any dark hue with unbeweavable hair throughout the entire video. I know I'm not supposed to be on a soap box but this thing that is happening will continue to concern me until ... well, probably the day I die. Where are all the rea...
Photo forwards: Another taste of the pictures people send me. Don't let that man in the speedos distract you. Check out the grandma in the middle. If that woman were my grandmother, we would be having it out in the middle of the beach. She has implants and all. The back of that skimpy little bikini bottom is a piece of string! Oh hell to da naw! I would have been traumatized.
Crazy E-mails So, I will be the first to let you know that I hate forwards. I hardly read any of them but on occasion the mood will strike me. Now, I have rules to reading forwards. I don't read them if they are long. Once I open them up and see that they are more than five lines, it's an automatic delete. If have have to down load something or click on another link, I delete those too. I am almost always willing to look at pictures. With that said, I will be periodically sharing some of the crazy pictures that my friends forward me. I got on recently with pictures of houses in the weirdest places. I have no idea if these are true or photoshop manipulated, but they are still crazy. So, where does all the crap go? It can't be safe for the tree, right. One day lightning will strike and it's all over. I'm saying, how do they heat the house up? A girl like me, wouldn't be vacationing there as cool (no pun intended lol) as it looks.
I actually wrote this on May 30, 2007. So, today I am at this radiation training and I was a little late getting here because I followed the Mapquest directions and got a little lost. Sometimes they include things in that do not need to be there and only causes confusion. I am not to crazy about Mapquest sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I love that I can hop on my computer and pull directions to anywhere in the US by simple clicks here and there; however, the bottom line is that no one likes to get lost when they think they are going on the right path. Putting that all aside, I am writing because I realize that I really need to start writing in my journal again. I feel like I have so much to say sometime. The unfortunate truth is that I think I just get lazy. That is the best and only way to put it. I have not been in the best of moods lately because I can't seem to find the time to finish my current book and work on my other writing projects. The only time I actually find to write i...