
Showing posts from April, 2013

Seeking Success Does Not Stop

It seems as though I am always making a decision to try, feeling like I am constantly revamping things to get me back on track towards what seems to be an elusive goal. This is not to take for granted the measures of success that I have already had. I am well aware and grateful for my many accomplishments thus far. However,  for those of us that have bigger goals than the status quo, we seem to always look towards the future.  In that vision, I personally see a lack of motivation. How am I supposes to meet my personal standards of success if I cannot get off my ass? It is at this point when I find that a little motivational talk is required in order to reboot my drive. That moment of reboot and refocus is what separates us, success seekers, from others in that even though we may get into a rut, a momentary set back does not define or deter us. That is what separates the doers from the ones that give up. Seeking success does not stop.

True by Solange

True by Solange Rate: 10 Solange released True, an extended play record, last last year with Losing You as the leading single. The major problem that I have with this is that it was not a full album release. I absolutely love Losing You. I think I have listened to it 100 times already. It is refreshing and fun yet heart tugging, if you pay attention to the lyrics. The video for it is artsy fartsy but pretty neat. My favorite two tracks on the extended play are Losing You and Bad Girls. I think I will be going on a Solange binge because her style is a little R&B soul with a touch alternative. What I really like about her is that she does not bow down to conformity. She does her own thing and it is slightly out of the box. All in all True is definitely worth a down load.

Gossip Never Prospers


Solange's Losing You for Free

Solange Knowles' single "Losing You" is available for free from Amazon.  I can listen ... actually I have listened to this song over and over again.  It makes me happy lol.

Be Happy

I am the happiest when stress is far removed from me. I have learned that stress makes me quite anxious.  Then I am up all night and I end up getting little to no sleep which does not help matters any. Instead of focusing on the things that stress me out, I attempt to focus on the things that make me happy like cloud gazing, music, movies, books, fun time with my kids and so much more. I am working on engaging in the things that make me happy more often but in creative ways so that I am not only a consumer but a contributor as well.

Olympus Has Fallen

I went to see Olympus Has Fallen the first weekend it came out mainly because I really like to see things blow up, especially in an end-of-the-world kind of fashion. In that regard Olympus did not disappoints. Things blew up and it seemed as though there was no way out of this dire, dreary, just really bad bad sucky situation. But wait! There is the lone "disgraced" secret service agent, cue Gerard Butler, that will save the day. I enjoyed Olympus Has Fallen for what it was- a jammed pack, kaboom action driven movie that dispensed with any sense of reality. Once I stopped thinking this is soooo not realistic, I enjoyed the movie. I enjoyed Butler and I really really liked the bad guy played by Rick Yune..

LiteVi Entertainment to Publish New Exciting eBook for Preteens

( March 25, 2013 -- Author Julian T. Nichols is proud to announce the release of his new exciting eBook for preteens entitled "Joy: A Treasure Protector Story", in his Treasure Protector Series . The said book is published by LiteVi Entertainment, which has a site advertising a stress-free living. The new eBook is geared towards helping preteens boost their self-esteem . It is perfect not only for kids 8-12 years of age but also for teenagers as well. The book can also be read along with parents for a great bonding moment. Readers say that the best thing about the book is its moral lessons and unique story. They also add that potential readers will enjoy reading its nine series which depict the exciting activities of the main character. The eBook revolves around the journey of Anna, the main character. When she is about to turn nine years old, she was so excited to make her birthday wish. Unexpectedly, she goes to sleep and wakes up in an exciting ne...