Read with Me Bookclub

 Welcome to the Read With Me Bookclub

Please reference my post for the background. 

Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay 

Join me on this blog and my podcast to discuss the Book of the Moment. I will read some with you and include some of my colorful commentaries, and whatever I don't read with you, I will catch you up in a brief summary. Please join me in the fun. Books are a great escape and a wonderful stress reliever for me. I thought, why not share my love with others who love it as much. 

Make suggestions and I just might add them to the reading list. I do plan to read fiction and nonfiction, keeping in tune with what I like. 

Book Posts

See all my Books Posts Here

The Duke and I by Julia Quinn 

Read With Me: Duke and I Session 1

Read with Me: Duke and I Session 1.2

Head over to my YouTube channel for the most up-to-date commentary on the books that I complete. Also, visit the podcast. 


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