Stress & Wellness

Let’s Talk about Stress

To be totally without stress is to be dead. -Hans Selye

There is no such thing as getting rid of stress. We do not want to do that because it is a part of our daily lives. What we have to do is to learn to use that energy to move us forward. It is about changing our perspective on acute stress which will allow us to manage it better.

It is my goal to help us be more mindful of how we deal with stress and how we use the tools that we have at our disposal.

Building your stress management tool kit is an introductory workshop that is designed to engage and help us bring useful tools together that will allow us to build our stress resilience.
Send me a message if you or your organization would like more information on the workshop.

Also, you can start right now by listening to my introduction to stress course. Why wait? Take the first step now!

It's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it. -Hans Selye

In the meantime check out some of my stress management articles.


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