Day 10 of the 21 Days: God Gifts You with Talents

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. ~Philippians 2:3

The purpose of this 21 Day consecration is to focus on becoming more like Christ. The purpose of this blog is to share my journey as I try to do that and live the way he would have me to. I also hope that the readers join in by either leaving comments and/or sending in submissions of their own. With that said, I have already shared that although it is my hearts desire to be more like Christ, it is just easier said then done.

Philippians 2:3 is a perfect example why. “Selfish Ambition” has been what my life has been all about. Although I have attempted to disguise it as passionate for success, I can no longer hide from the fact that I desire more than I should of this world. However, beyond the selfish ambition is dealing with the “lowliness of mind” and “esteem others better than” myself parts that are difficult for me.

As a young African American woman, I have often had to praise myself and strive to be better than everyone around me, even if I wasn’t I made the effort. It has always been about being better than the next person to get into college, to get that good job, or whatever. I can’t remember a time I have put others before me in my path to succeed. Of course as a mother, I now make numerous sacrifices for my children and my family, but they are in fact mine and a part of me. I don’t believe that is the same.

In my journey to follow Christ, I now have to become humble and not only be a servant to God but to other people as well! How does one go about doing that? Well, God has given each and every single one of us the tools to do just that with dignity and pride for his work, if we only would embrace Him. God gives each of us special gifts that we are to use to help others or give back to others. He gives us these gifts to serve Him.

If we discover these gifts and nurture them, we in turn would feel fulfilled as well. I know I can spend hours writing without even missing the time. I love doing it. That is the gift that God has given me and through that I will be humble and I will serve others. By serving others as God would have us to, he will be sure that our hearts are filled and our needs are met.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to embrace your path and accept the gift that you have given me. Show me how to nurture that talent and use it to serve, humbly and with a pure heart, not only you but the people you so love.


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