The Whole Duty of Man

Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement whether it is good or evil. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

I am sure you have heard the expression, "I'll put the fear of God in you." I have heard it plenty of times but I do not really think most people take it seriously. If a person does not care for God or even believe in God why would they worry about fearing Him?

Personally, I have always had a problem with fearing God. Since I have a selfishness issue, I have pondered my real motivation for being saved. Ultimately isn't it my selfishness and sense of self preservation that leads me to wanting to go to heaven? Seriously, I don't want to be in hell for the rest of my existence. However, I have realized that I fear God because I love Him and believe in Him. It is like a child that does not want to disappoint her parents. Of course fear is a factor because he loves them. They nurture her, take care of her, and keep her safe. Even if she can't verbalize it, she understands that.

I still have issues with this verse though. I have never really thought about what my duty in life is as it relates to God. For the longest, I thought it was just enough to believe in Him, spread his Gospel (which I hardly do or have done), and live a good life. However, as I read more and learn more I am learning that in order to benefit from the full experience of his power and receive blessings unbound that we are required to live for him. Seriously, what is that? That whole concept is beyond me.

The fact that I have been brought to a point in my life where I am starting to get an understand of that and actually attempting to do it, is actually miraculous to me. This is not a place I ever thought or expected to be. However, it has already manifested things in my life that I never thought possible.

Know that if you decide to love God and live for him, he will have your back like you would not believe and your worries would mean nothing. Believe me, that in itself is pretty wonderful.

Meditation Verse
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement whether it is good or evil. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:13-14


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