Allow Yourself to Just Be

Allow Yourself to Just Be

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I love birthdays. I did not always celebrate mine especially if it fell on a work day. I usually went to work and treated it like any other day. In the last few years, I started to take the day off and treat myself to a me-day even if I did not plan anything special with anyone else. There are times when I go all out for my birthday but, most of the time, it presents a moment to reflect. Mine in particular follows behind the new year closely, so reflecting on what is to come is a natural phenomenon for me. This year being that it fell on a Sunday, I just wanted to be. I was fine with staying in bed all day and allowing myself the grace to do nothing without a care or worry about everything that was being left undone. 

Allowing yourself to just be, giving yourself the grace to ignore all the things that clutter your mind and your day, and your spirit, is the best gift you can give yourself even if it is for a short moment.

So many times, I look over my shoulder at the to-do list looming just around the corner. This time, I did not think about it. This time, I allowed myself those precious moments to be a person existing in a space without worry or care and it was wonderful. Quite frankly, it was one of the most soothing birthdays I have had in a long while. I did not even give thought to my future self which I find I am always worried about as much as that blasted to-do list. I took full advantage of birthday grace to fully live in the moment and be free. Not only did I engage in relaxing activities but I also gave my brain some downtime by napping and plain old daydreaming.  

Allowing yourself to just be, giving yourself the grace to ignore all the things that clutter your mind and your day, and your spirit, is the best gift you can give yourself even if it is for a short moment. 

Check out this Cleveland Clinic article on Why Downtime Is Essential for Brain Health

Listen to the podcast below


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