Waking Up Positive: Quoting Billie Holiday

 Waking up positive

I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that I’m going to be positive and not wake up feeling desperate - Billie Holiday

There are times when we are in such a funk that we literally have to shake it off and just plunge into the day. Now please if you are feeling depressed or one who suffers from clinical depression this includes you. The reason is that at some point you have to decide to seek out help. Call your counselor, take your medication if you are on anything, get out of bed, shower, and push yourself. Even if it is one little thing. One little step. One little thought that keeps you in the light. Do that. 

Sometimes, a lot of times, we will not know what the future holds. It could be that very thought of not knowing what is ahead that is causing us anxiety, depression, and discomfort but what we do know is that we cannot give up and we have to get up and get moving. 

Pscyh Central has 7 tips on how you can get out of a depression slump. 

Overcoming Depression: 7 Things You Can Do Today to Get Out of a Slump


  1. Set specific goals. I would say set small goals. Even if it is telling yourself you are going to get out of bed tomorrow. 

  2. Do something creative. This one is one of my favorites. Tapping into your creative energy gets you in touch with spirit and the collective. It activated a lively part of you that’s on the inside. It could be as small as closing your eyes and imagining yourself elsewhere. That is why I like imagery practices. Easy to access. 

  3. Exercise. Get up and play a tune and do a little dance. You don’t even have to leave the house, but if you can, take yourself for a walk in nature. 

  4. Spend time outside. Hello. See above. Or read the article. I cannot say enough about getting grounded by being outside and really appreciating the wonders of the world. 

  5. Connect with loved ones. Vent to them or just reach out and tell someone you love them or crack some jokes. 

  6. Keep a journal. Now you already know how I feel about journals!!!! Let’s go. Crack one open and just write. Steam of consciousness your way back to living. 

The article goes into more detail but these small things are a great place to start once you have decided that you matter more. 


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