Plan with a Purpose

Start living your dreams today! Like right now! Or at the very least, let us start moving in that direction. Are you ready to challenge yourself and push yourself beyond your own expectations? I got my Happy Planner today and I am ready to plan out my goals and my baby steps to achieving them.
I often have to regroup, reset and reprioritize throughout the year, but something about a new planner gets me a little excited about starting the process over again. Blanks pages signify an opportunity to make changes. 

“Many a calm river begins as a turbulent waterfall, yet none hurtles and foams all the way to the sea.” —Mikhail Lermontov

Goal setting and planning is actually a great way to assist with stress management. Having a direction and a plan grounds your mind and creates intentions. Stay open and flexible with applying adjustments throughout the process. 

The goal-setting and planning process is when we collect ourselves and organize the turbulence. Life will always have ups and downs. Know that we have the power to push pause. 


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