Journal Prompt: Your toughest accomplishment
Journal Prompt: Your toughest accomplishment
Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude - Lou Holtz
Think about your accomplishments and pick one that you had a hard time with. Maybe you were doubtful about whether or not you were going to make it through. Maybe you thought you were going to fail but you did not.
When you are journaling you do not have to limit yourself. In this case, you can write about:
- What that accomplishment was and describe it
- How it made you feel to finish it
- The doubts you had and why
- People who did not support you versus the people who did support you
- How did you go about accomplishing it
- What do you think helped you get though
- The moments when you pushed through
There are so many aspects that you can focus on, or you can write about them all. Journaling is all about getting your thoughts, feelings and emotions down on paper. It does not matter how and it never has to be perfect. When I think about one of the accomplishments that was the hardest for me; it was finishing up nursing school.
Going back to school to do nursing was already hard enough because I had two little ones 4 and under, had a full-time job, and was going to school nights and doing the clinical rotations on the weekends. At the time, I had the full support of my family and husband. Unfortunately in the middle of the program with one year to go, I traumatically lost my husband, who was my biggest supporter. Here I was left with the aftermath of a traumatic experience, two kids who also just lost their father, and a ton of other things going on that I did not expect. Finishing nursing school was the last thing on my mind. Actually, EVERYTHING was on my mind, all swirling around, all at once.
Weirdly enough, I decided to keep on going with the nursing program. I thought, well if I flunk I flunk. I think the school will understand and give me a chance considering the circumstances. So I kept on going, expecting to fail. I did not daily. One year later, I nervously took my NCLEX and ended up passing, becoming a registered nurse. This accomplishment was not mine alone.
There were so many people that helped to make it happen. The support of my family was number one! Then my friends, who rallied around me by helping babysit my kids, supporting me with words of encouragement, distracting me when I needed a stress break, studying with me, etc. The support I received to get me through that time was beyond what I could have imagined. I have been a nurse for going on 12 years and I could not have accomplished it without the support I received.
So in the end what I once believed was impossible and I would fail, happened. I received the strength and positive energy that I needed to succeed from people who believed in me more than I believed in myself at a time in my life that was very dark. Sometimes you will find light and strength not only from within but from those that you have shared it with in your life. The beauty of it all is that life is a full circle. So do not fear trying to get to that next level. Know that it can be done and the hesitation and angst you may have can be used as fuel to propel you forward. Your support network can be the ones to help keep you going.