Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey

Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey can now be added to my list of yearly must-watch holiday movies. Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey starring Forest Whitaker, Madelyn Mills, Ricky Martin, and Phylicia Rashad just to name a few memorable stars, is a wonderfully fantastical look into an inventor’s life after it all falls apart.  I was not impressed at first. The singing sometimes threw me off mainly becausethe songs could have been better even though the voices were phenomenal. I kept watching it anyway, and I am so glad I did. 

I loved the setting of this little fantastical town where anything was possible only if you believed. It was quaint and complemented by the colorful costume designs. I loved the diversity of the town and the way they showcased our natural hair with a variety of styles. What made everything come together so well was the strong acting. The Keegan Key casting was a perfect transition from his younger self. Madelyn Mills, the young actress playing journey, was phenomenal. 

Forest Whitaker as Jeronicus Jangle was the perfect blend of awkward and sad in a cute way that I just wanted to hug him throughout the entire thing, even when he was being obstinate. There were so many small elements to his subtle acting that added flavor to the move. Ultimately, I loved how everything came together and flowed to bring an uplifting holiday message. Don’t lose faith in people or yourself. When you believe, great things can happen. Most importantly when you believe in yourself, anything is possible.


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