Stacy Writes: Claim Your Victory

What do you do when someone is trying to attack or fight you?

You protect yourself. Do not attack them. It is written ,“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye." That is the work of God. God sees the pathway of your attackers and sees the results of their wrongdoing.

Image by mohamed Hassan 

It is written that God said, "...turn the other cheek." This is the work of you- the work of turning away from the negativity that has been directed to you.
Turning away from feeding it.
Turning away from energizing it.
Turning away from striking back.
It is your work to turn towards protecting yourself and grounding yourself. It is your work to stand up for yourself in a way that does not degrade your attacker; they will degrade themselves. It is your work to stand up for yourself in a way that invites the work of God into your life. Allow his presence to shine through you as a beacon of light that will display to the world your acceptance of self and commitment to growth in the face of every challenge.

The fight you fight is in valuing of the ordering your steps and strengthening of your connection.

The order that God has created is yours to reap. The victory is yours to claim.

Stacy-Ann on IG


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