Stress Less Tip 11: Wake Up

Wake Up!
bites, soothes and reverses
trapped only to be free in the
photo by Artem Sapegin
Hush Kids has this song, Wake Up, that I feel expresses the state we may find ourselves in sometimes without even being aware.

"What have I missed sleepwalking like this. Seems like a high price to pay. All the lights in the screens are they just a disease. Always on, calling my name. I wanna wake up." -Hush Kids, Wake Up

There are times when we are moving through life without really being aware of the things around us. Work and responsibilities and the computer and television or our phones have consumed us to the point that we are not really living but floating through one moment to the next. I do not blame technology at all. I blame myself. I blame my lack of self-awareness and mindful living.

Am I awake? When do I really unplug and enjoy the moment? Carpe diem seems so cliche and because of this we throw it away and take it for granted. Still, I have to remind myself that happiness is in the moment that we create. Moments are important. Moments create lasting memories that we can dip into and refresh our souls.

Life will be painful and wonderful and difficult and rewarding and everything in between and around. Worrying about the unknown, the future, our past actions can lead to unnecessary stress. We can plan for the future while enjoying the present. Being mindful of our feelings and emotions should not be a burden but a release. Acknowledge how we feel, make a plan and accept that all we can do is move forward. Wake up to ourselves and our potential. I try to be appreciative of everything in life and in the moment that is now.

Post inspired by Wake Up by Hush Kids. It is a beautifully melodic song.


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