J. Cole's 4 Your Eyez Only

4 Your Eyez Only

J. Cole's 4 Your Eyez Only is ... wow. A quick internet search will show a lot of results attempting to explain the "deeper" meaning of the album, but I do not see how that is really neccessary. All you have to do is listen to the album with your ears and heart open. It is what it is but with layers upon layers of strong lyrics, stronger imagery, and a sad but hopeful message at the same time.

Lately, I have been cutting down on listening to music in the car when I'm riding with the kids. We do financial flash cards from Boyce Watkins, go over prominent Afican/Haitian/American hsitorical figures or talk. However, I think I am going to bump this album for a little bit. It is worth the listen in comparison to what has been playing on the radio lately. It can also be a good basis to foster further conversation. Not too mention, it is quite melodic which I enjoy and appreciate. Lyrically, there is enough variety to enjoy while understanding a community engaging message.

Definitely, money and time well spent.


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