Stay Ahead with Clarity

Be sure
murky waters
will loom all around you
still the mind, stay focused on the

Carity on what we want out of life and who we are can get us through the toughest times. It is like keeping an eye on the finish line at the end of a competitive race. Seeing that goal pushes a person forward even though she is exhausted and needs rest. Medidate on that positive vision until it becomes an inseparable part of your mind, an integral who you are. When we have that clear picture we can build on it and gain strength from it.

Sometimes when life is getting a little crazy and things seem to be out of control, we need to step away and focus on the things that are really important to us. Focus on the people that matter, on what makes living worthwhile. Look ahead to a better future. Clarity offers the peace of self confidence, the comfort of familiarity, the choice to move towards the bigger, brighter picture.


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