Keep your Family and Friends Close

Family and Friends
is worth living
for and friendship reminds
us to keep pushing despite the
set backs

This cinquain was inspired by the last two episodes of Lethal Weapon. The picture I used is of my grandprents, may they rest in peace. I miss them dearly. They were certainly the everything in our family who both lived well into thier nineties. I remember my granpa would look at all of his kids, his grandkids and his great grand kids and say, in his native tongue, Haitian Creole, "You see them, they are all me. They are all from me." A fact that he was extremely proud of. A fact that I am certain kept him going for a few more years after my grandmother past.

Family is the means by which we live on. For some it is the reason to keep going. I can speak from experience and share that my children saved my life when all seemed bleak. With that being said, friendships cannot be discounted. Good friends can help keep us straight and keeps us laughing and help remind us of what's important in life. Family and friends make the connections worth living for. So foster good relationships. Don't jeopardize them or take the people who mean the most in your life for granted. Remember to reach out and be a joy in the lives of those you hold dear.


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