Under Siege

I have no words for the current affairs of today. I have no words but to wonder what our ancestors must have experienced and to marvel at where we are today regardless of the injustices for I know we are made of tougher than tough stuff. One day, my grandchildren's grandchildren will marval at us for making a way out of this. Stop killing us. Stop killing each other. Take care of our selves, our health, our mind, spirit and energy. Be overcomers, conquerers, achievers, fighters.

Though I have no words, I have words.

Under Siege
My mouth 
opens to speak 
I am muted by pain, 
numbing fear wraps me as I hug 
my son
by WMT


Unknown said…
Stop killing each other is so right. We live in a great country with faults. Let's hope we can work together to make it more perfect.
Wanda LiteVi said…
Agreed, bro, agreed.

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