National Selfie Day

National Selfie Day

It is National selfie day and I approve this message. Selfies are about self expression and I hope self love. I am sure that most of us are guilty of taking 201 selfies before decideing to post just the right one. I know I am, but there is that glorious moment when we we capture our self on the first try, in that one shot that makes us think yes, this is me.

It is the shot that we let go of self judgment when we think to ourselves, Yes! I look fabulous. Live in that moment. Love that moment. Post that moment. Realize that is essence of you and you caught it. I wish it always happened on that first take. I wish we were able let go of the hyper self-criticism, but I get it. If I am going to share myslef, let me share the best me. That one shot, the one we decide to share is us all the time. It is what people see and maybe we just need to remember that more often. That one post-worthy shot is me, 100% of the time.

Love thyself, always. Happy national selfie day.


Unknown said…
I agree 100%!!! Love thy self

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