Gil Scott Heron Poetry Binge

I have been on a Gil Scott Heron binge for the past few days. I have been deprived of spoken word for a while, so I have been indulging myself in his poetic works that naturally overflow to his music which comprise of mostly jazz and blues. Truthfully, it is the most I have listened to jazz in a while but I appreciate the mood which it puts me in.

I get to thinking about what I can do or should do or aspire to do in order to see a change in this world. However, in the midst of all this thinking, I realize that I, at some point, must move past contemplation to action. I am taking active steps in that regard.

To stick to the theme of this blog though, I have immersed myself in the poetic styling of Gil Scott Heron because it makes me feel lite. It gives me hope in people. Although that hope and optimism is being tested against the current socioeconomic backdrop of the middle and lower class as well as race relations. I do find it ironic, though, that so many rappers hail Heron as one of the pioneers of hip hop, yet fail to honor his legacy. Nevertheless, I am motivated, invigorated and with renewed spirit in regards to my efforts in pursuing the righteous. With that, below is a video of my absolute favorite Heron work.


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