Oz The Great and Powerful

Oz The Great and Powerful
Directed by Sam Raimi. With James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, and Michelle Williams. 

This is a revamp of the good old Wizard of Oz story that tells the tale of the Wizard and how he came to be. There are two things that I really enjoyed about this movie- the background to the Wizard and Rachel Weisz. I always enjoy learning about the back ground of a character in an interesting way, so it was cool to see where the great Wizard came from and see his growth as a person. However, I was not a big fan of Franco in the role. Now Rachel Weisz does good evil. She was manipulative and sneaky and snarky and sexy all at the same time. I freaken loved her performance. Mila Kunis was annoying to me at first but she needed to be and played her role well. Michelle Williams as the good witch was perfectly ethereal but had a little spice to her.

The movie was good. Storyline and flow went well. Zach Braff provided timely comic relief and visually it was stunning. There were some moments that should have been on the cutting floor but overall it was ok. It is definitely a DVD movie (June 11 DVD release).

Rating: C


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