My Sould to Take

My Sould to Take
Tananarive Due

My Soul to Take is Due’s fourth installment of her immortal series. Where My Soul to Keep introduced us to this race of immortals through the life of Dawit/David, My Soul to Take further explores their lives through the life of his exceptional child, Fana.

Due’s writing style is captivating while weaving a meaningful story together. I enjoyed this book because it had all the exciting elements that I love in a supernatural fictional tale: immortals, super powers, killer virus, covert government operations, global conspiracies and despicable villains sprinkled with a little bit of romance. What more could a girl ask for?

Fana has to deal with her fiancé’s penchant for world destruction while struggling with her unnatural attraction to him. If she does not find a way to keep him satisfied while attempting to keep the peace with her immortal clan, everyone in the world can die or fall prey to the evil rule of her fiancé.

All through out the novel, I kept on thinking that there is no way this can end well. As much as I loved the novel, I was a little put off by the ending. It definitely leaves room for a great discussion on the value of our lives and what we control. I enjoyed this novel and I recommend the entire series. Of course, I do have a favorite, Blood Colony, but the entire series is an entertaining, thought provoking and exciting read.

Next up, Love, Anger, Madness: A Hatian Triptych by Marie Vieux-Chauvet


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