Blood Colony by Tananarive Due

Tananarive Due’s final installation to her immortal series, Blood Colony, does not disappoint in the least. I am secretly hoping that she does not end it here because I soooo want to find out what happens next, even more so now. In this installment, Fana is an impetuous teenager that breaks free from her parents’ protection to experience life on her own as danger and evil trail closely on her heals.
Blood Colony: A Novel 
I cannot say anything more about Due’s ability to craft and intertwine a compelling story more than what has already been mentioned from her other two books in this series (see reviews). Due pulls you in to the intrigue of her characters further and further with each turn of the page. There is action, annoyance at a teenager’s know-it-all antics, parents’ worry about their children, hope and many other emotions that the reader will experience on the adventure with Fana. Once again, Due has cultivated a wonderful addition to the immortals with Blood Colony. 


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