News Roll Call: iPhone dethroned?

I keep posting Kindle stories because I would love one myself.

Large Screen E-Readers Could Save Newspaper Industry
DailyTech - ‎5 hours ago‎
The print publishing industry is currently being hit with two very serious problems. The costs for printing and distributing print publications are soaring and at the same time, advertising revenue and subscriber rates are dropping. ...

New Kindle creates new challenges for publishers
Computerworld - ‎6 hours ago‎
By Matt Hamblen May 4, 2009 (Computerworld) Inc. is expected to announce a big-screen Kindle e-reader this week, and many are already wondering if newspaper and magazine publishers will benefit. There are several reasons to think that ...

BlackBerry Throws iPhone Sales a Curve
New York Times - ‎2 hours ago‎
By Roy Furchgott The iPhone lost its spot as top-selling phone to the BlackBerry Curve in the first quarter of 2009, but that doesn't necessarily spell the end of the iPhone's market dominance, said Ross Rubin, an analyst for researchers The NPD Group. ...

Could the iPhone be getting ready to be dethroned? I doubt it, but even I'm thinking about getting a Black Berry.

More 12-inch netbooks coming this month
ZDNet - ‎8 hours ago‎
Two major netbook players appear set to release new models with larger displays that will further blur the lines with traditional laptops. Later this month Acer will release an Aspire One netbook with an 11.6-inch widescreen display. ...


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