News Roll Call: Books

Dolly Parton teams up with United Way for literacy program
Will Dolly Parton finally make it Glastonbury in 2008? It's long been rumoured....we certainly hope the country music... Dolly Parton has announced that she ...

Palin has book deal, memoir to come next year
AP NEW YORK (AP) — You knew it was coming: Sarah Palin is ready to tell her side, agreeing to publish a memoir with harpercollins. The book comes out in ...

It was bound to happen people. I would like to see who she hangs out to dry in her book or whether or not she decides to play it safe.

Elizabeth Edwards writes about husband's affair in book, 'Resilience'
Elizabeth, 59, who is terminally ill with cancer, speaks in far more detail than before about her husband's infidelity in her new memoir, "Resilience," due ...

Not that I am wishing death on the woman (I really am not) but ... oh forget it.


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