Steve Harvey Sorta Kinda Stole His Bestselling Book Idea!

There is an author out there who is sorta kinda saying that Steve Harvey sorta kinda stole her concept for his new bestseller, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. However, I cannot say that I am buying this one.

Is it crazy to think that two books with the same title might have the same theme? Helloooo? Book titles are not held by copyright. I can come out with a book right now titled Twilight and there is nothing that Stephanie Meyers can do about it. I have heard Steve talk about publishing this book since he started the radio show especially after giving advice during the Strawberry letter. This could just be hype for the author to tie her book of the same title to some publicity.

I love this part of the article, "she was hoping for perhaps some recognition that the idea for the book might have come from her." Uhhh, okay. Here goes, maybe, possible, in some sort of round about way, it could have remotely come from your book that was published obscurely by you and that I probably never even saw before.

That kind of sounds like I drank some haterade doesn't it. I did not, I promise.


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