'Blame It': Jamie Foxx parties with Jake Gyllenhaal, Ron Howard ...
So I haven’t had a chance to watch this vid yet but apparently Jamie has pulled out some big players to join him. I love the song … alcohol can get you in trouble people or lead to very embarrassing situations! Trust that I know this. LOL.
'Blame It': Jamie Foxx parties with Jake Gyllenhaal, Ron Howard ...
Entertainment Weekly - Feb 27, 2009
Jamie Foxx has been working that actor-singer synergy for years, but no way was I prepared for the kind of Hollywood favors he called in for his new music ...
'Blame It': Jamie Foxx parties with Jake Gyllenhaal, Ron Howard ...
Entertainment Weekly - Feb 27, 2009
Jamie Foxx has been working that actor-singer synergy for years, but no way was I prepared for the kind of Hollywood favors he called in for his new music ...