I'm Baaaaaaack ... sorta

I believe an explanation is in order.

Why am I off hiatus? Well, at this point, I don’t know that I am really off. It’s just that I am on spring break from school and have a little more time on my hands and, basically, I miss Parlez Entertainment.

Also, I hate publishing in two places. It makes me feel fragmented. Which is why I am adding Spiritually Speaking to my regular writings on Parlez Entertainment. www.asjesuswalked.com is great but it is only one side of me. I feel that I cannot earnestly be as God wants me to be if I ignore who I am as a whole person. I cannot break off myself into the “Christian Wanda” who seems as if she doesn’t do wrong and the “worldly Wanda” who seems to be always missing the mark.

The only thing I can do is be me. The Wanda who is struggling everyday to be a better person (as hokey and dorky and corny as it sounds) and the person God wants me to be. So, criticize me if you want, talk about me if you want or whatever … the only thing I can say is that I’m back with the same flava all around.


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