Stay Faithful in Hard Times

Blessed is the man who preservers under trial, because when he had stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. -James 1:12

When life is good, it is good isn't it? I mean, sometimes it's hard to even remember that God had a hand in the good life. However, when things turn bad we start wondering why and asking questions of the Lord. When it gets really bad we might even start praying for deliverance, making promise to be better people if God helps us out this one time. It is never the one time thought, is it?

Actually, I don't believe that there is anything wrong with calling on God when we are down, especially when we own up to our word and commit to changing our lives. No matter where we are, no matter what we do, or how low we get, God will always be there, waiting for us. We just have to seek Him out. So we should never be ashamed or afraid to go to Him even if we have spent 25 years ignoring Him because He will be there.

Nevertheless, going though trials takes a toll on us, and it is even harder if God does not play a role in out lives. I often wonder why I have to go through tough times, but I have to remind myself that there is a purpose in everything. Maybe I am supposed to learn something or grow or get prepared for another phase of my life. Maybe it is to bring me closer to God or just to test me. Whatever the reason is, we have to remember to get through it. We have to remember to stay close to God. Do not be fooled into thinking that we can persevere on our own.

Put everything in God. This is when we pray more and read more and meditate more. This is when we make our relationship with God stronger and trust in Him. In the end, just the fact that we have built a stronger bridge to the Lord will be reward enough because He will change the tides and ease our pain and give us comfort and peace.


Anonymous said…
I need to hear this. Thanks for sharing. I'm going through one of this "tough" times, and man, is it easy to wallow in misery and complain and cry all day. It is easy to blame and ask "why me?" God is good though, and He is slowly walking me through this rough time. I have absolutely NO option but to put my faith in Him and trust that He will work this out. I'm realizing my faith has never been tested like this - but now looking back, I realize little things have happened the past couple of months, bumps you might say, that He has used to somehow prepare me for this moment. The ride is bumpy at the moment but I'm clinging on to Him. I pray that I continue to find my strength in Him. To Him be the glory!
Me said…
Stay strong and keep the faith. I am so happy that my words can encourage you. That in turn encourages me.
Anonymous said…
its not exactly me who is going through the tough times but its those around me...i just cry out sometimes and ask why it hurts me so much to see someone in pain, to hear of yet another death...WHY! i love the Lord...I appreciate all He's done. I just don't understand sometimes...

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