Website Pick:

This is a new section I am starting. I get inspiration and motivation from everywhere that I can. Sometimes I just want to get different Biblical perspectives or I just need a question answered. Sometimes it is just research. With that said, I figured I would highlight some of my favorite websites and resources.

Keep in mind that what ever site you go to or where ever you get your information, it should be Biblical. Don't just take what is printed or said at face value. Check it against the Bible before taking it for gold. There are some crazy stuff circulating around out there.

Anyway, my website pick for this week is

I absolutely love this site. Granted, some of the answers give me pause and I have to make up my own mind but it is still a great resource. What's good about the site is that it does not only give you answers from out of the air but also provides scripture to back it up. Personally, I recommend reading the scripture and deciding for yourself whether or not you fully agree with their answer.

Mission Statement of Got Questions Ministries:
"Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing Biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually-related questions through an Internet presence." (Taken from

I definitely recommend checking this site out when you need some answers fast. It is definitely a good starting point. However, always go back to prayer and the Bible.


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