In A Funky Mood?: Somebody Cares

And he said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teacher of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” ~Luke 9:22

There are times when we go through things and it seems as if we are all alone in our suffering. It is almost as if there is no one that can understand our situation or relate to it. You may have friends that would be more than happy to listen to you vent about the things going on in your life, but, let’s face it; sometimes we just don’t want to talk about it. Sometimes it does not even seem worth it to talk about it because at the end of the day it is going to be our problem to deal with. It is at those moments that, I think, we feel most alone.

It seems easy to let those moment get us down because who out there can relate to what we are going through. Sometimes we might even take it a step further and wonder who even cares about our problems. Everyone has his or her own issue to deal with and maybe our issue is petty next to someone else’s. Then for a little while we are just in a funk. Our mood is depressed and, of course, we feel sorry for ourselves. It does not even really matter what the situation is. It could be a major life emergency or something small and silly that causes us to alter our mood because or attitude we may have at that time. It is at those times that I forget about and take for granted the good things I do have in my life.

It makes me just want to kick myself because I don’t know why I sometimes get in a funk. Sometimes we just do and there are many reasons for it. Maybe we are to appreciate life more, appreciate God more, or get our butts in gear to do more of what will fulfill us. I know that our moods shifts are not without reason; however it is easy to loose focus on maintaining an awareness that would allow us to make changes. Nevertheless, the main thing is to remember that there is someone who cares enough and someone who understands our crazy, up-and-down feelings.

God cared enough to sacrifice Himself for us and through that sacrifice, he experienced exactly what it is like to be a human with are wants, faults, attitudes and habits. Through that sacrifice, He left us with an example of how to deal with life’s highs and lows. He left an example of how to behave in the face of adversity. He left an example of how to be great in everyday life.

Bottom line: Somebody cares and He will always keep us. Whether it is supernaturally or through the people we know, whether our world is falling apart or we are just in a funky mood, God will always make sure that we triumph in the end.

Prayer interpreted from Philemon 1:6
Lord, I pray that I may be active in sharing my faith, so that I will have a full understanding of every good thing I have in Christ.


DCSquared said…
Honey you are speaking directly to me!!!!!!! Oooh I want to get out of this funk and FAST!!! I'm just asking God to remove this feeling from my heart and take away the sadness. I'm thanking Him in advance. Thanking him for loving me and for caring enough about me and my small or big problems!!!
Me said…
Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Isn't it frustrating sometimes because we don't even want to be funky lol? I just think that there is a reason for it and I have to figure it out before I can move on. Sometimes shaking it off just doesn't work.

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