Purpose Driven Life Day 2: I Am Not as Accident
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. ~Ephesians 1:4
There are these things called unplanned pregnancies that happen, and they happen quite often, that sometimes bring people together, tear them apart, or motivate them to do better. Nevertheless, something happens in reaction to an "unplanned pregnancy." At least we think it is unplanned.Maybe it is hard for us to think that God has time to be so involved with our lives. Is life really unplanned? Rick Warren asserts that God planned out our life from before we were even born to our death, taking into consideration the choices we make, sin, and everything in between. Isn’t it hard to fathom that we (insignificant us) can have a role to play in the balance of the world. I mean honestly, what is living our life on a daily basis truly contributing to the world.
This is where I think we have to get it wrong. This is where I believe we miss the mark on how to live our life all together. If we were made specifically in mind and we are not living our purpose that we are missing an opportunity to be great in God’s eyes. To contribute somehow to this cosmic balance would be an honor, but we walk around self-absorbed and missing the boat. Maybe realizing that we are not some fluke and that God intended each and every single life can bring us that much closer to realizing our purpose.
There are these things called unplanned pregnancies that happen, and they happen quite often, that sometimes bring people together, tear them apart, or motivate them to do better. Nevertheless, something happens in reaction to an "unplanned pregnancy." At least we think it is unplanned.Maybe it is hard for us to think that God has time to be so involved with our lives. Is life really unplanned? Rick Warren asserts that God planned out our life from before we were even born to our death, taking into consideration the choices we make, sin, and everything in between. Isn’t it hard to fathom that we (insignificant us) can have a role to play in the balance of the world. I mean honestly, what is living our life on a daily basis truly contributing to the world.
This is where I think we have to get it wrong. This is where I believe we miss the mark on how to live our life all together. If we were made specifically in mind and we are not living our purpose that we are missing an opportunity to be great in God’s eyes. To contribute somehow to this cosmic balance would be an honor, but we walk around self-absorbed and missing the boat. Maybe realizing that we are not some fluke and that God intended each and every single life can bring us that much closer to realizing our purpose.