Parlez Entertainment on Haitus

I have never done this. I started Parlez Entertainment in June 2003 for fun because I am sort of an entertainment junky. Since then it has morphed into many different forms. A defunct-one-issue magazine, a website, a blog, and a radio show (over 40,000 downloads now). It has been forever changing but always there. Well, Parlez Entertainment will still be here. I may come in and do a radio show now and then or post a quick thought, but that would be about it.

There are other areas in my life that need focus. I realize that I am being called into another direction that I have been avoiding for years and I can no longer avoid it. I have no idea where this path is going to lead me but I am going to follow it because I no longer have a choice. Along with that, I have to prioritize certain things in my life, and as much I love Parlez Entertainment and everything in entertainment, they will have to take a back seat for a little while. Lord, help me! I don't even know if I can do it.

So, if anyone is interested, you can check me out at my new blog, I am confused about it too LOL. I have no idea what it means or where I am going. It is the craziest thing. Oh, join the new e-mail list too.

Thank you!

Get paid for your Spiritual thoughts, testimonies, music reivews (Family freindly or Gospel), Family Freindly movies, etc. Send in something between 250 and 300 words. The payment won't be much but can increase as the site revenue (lol, will be working on that) increases. Hit me up at
So if you are here and seeing everything posted you might be wondering what haitus. Well read the update
I'm Baaaaaaack ... sorta


MJ said…
I must say that I have always, still am and will eternally be proud of you. There is nothing wrong with taking the horse and leading sometimes. So please don't apoligize for that strentgh. Too many people are paralyzed with fear and accomplish nothing. I would love to write but fear the thoughts and my words are permanant. I cringe when I read things that I have written in the past because I have different ideas grammar and spelling has never been my forte. Anywho....GO on... I will support you as much as a mother of five can.

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