Are You Watching K-Ville?

Are You Watching K-Ville?

You should be.

I happen to love conspiracy theories. So far the last two episodes have been in that vein. It has been all about powerful people conspiring with other powerful people to do bad things and take advantage of the poor and powerless, until they realize that they are not so powerless.

The latest episode told a little about the money behind the prison business. $100,000 a day to keep people locked up. Some of the people in the system where serving ridiculously long sentences for petty stuff (sound familiar). I know it was a television show, but doesn’t it make you wonder?

The jail administrator cooked up a scheme with an oil supplier that polluted the river while lining both their pockets. Some inmates found out about the deal and were planning on escaping them talking. They escaped but got caught and one was killed not too long after getting back to the jail. Marlin and Trevor figured everything out. Unfortunately, Marlin got shot in the gut in the process.

Even at the bitter end, the prison owner was being arrogant and acting like he was not going to pay for his crimes. He may not pay for killing the inmate but he will have to deal with the repercussions of his shady business dealings.

The episode was intense and had high energy. Definitely a good second episode. Both Cole Hauser and Anthony Anderson are great in their respective roles.


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